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Directions / Travel Tips

Getting There

From Yaba, board Unilag campus shuttle (very close to the yaba market) to the main campus. Alight at the last bus stop. Ask any bystander of the University's Main Auditorium. It is just a stone throw from there or call 09053057686 for clarifications.

Discounted Accommodation

You can get a discounted accomodation at the Guest House iof the University of Lagos. Unilag guest house is located by the Faculty of Business Administration. 

It is a comvenient place to lodge with different rooms and varying prices. 

Nearby Attractions

There are different outlets to get a rich meal from. You can get from the guest house. If you want to move around the campus, you can ask of Red Bricks. They have different shops there. Eat in or take away.


Shop within the ivory tower and have fun. There is a Yem Yem and other outlets in and outside campus (on university road). 



University of Lagos is no home to a particular culture. She welcomes everybody in their diverse tonues, languages and cultures. Western or Asian, European of Australian, you are welcome to move and explore without restrictions. 

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